Testing, 1,2,3
Before bringing the FaceTrainer™ to you - it had to pass our tests and deliver effective and professional results. But like all no!no!™ products, it’s not a magic, quick fix. Consistency and commitment are essential. Does the FaceTrainer™ really work? You decide.
Study 1: 60 Day Clinical Trial
A 60 day clinical trial was conducted to determine how well the FaceTrainer™ works. Each subject (men and women between the ages of 39 and 55) received a FaceTrainer™ and reported everyday to the testing center. There they performed specific facial movements for the recommended 10 minutes. They were asked to keep a daily diary of their thoughts and to note when others began to comment about differences in their appearance.
Clinical Results
Summary: The most dramatic results were seen in the improvement of skin laxity. 71% of the subjects displayed marked improvement in sagging skin, surpassing FDA criteria for efficacy. Fine lines and deep wrinkles showed improvement in 42% of the subjects.

Participant Satisfaction Score:
- 100% of participants felt improvement of some kind
- 91% of participants felt they looked better & younger
- 97% said their skin tone and glow improved
- 88% felt skin improvement after up-to 10 days of use
- 88 % said it is an easy routine for a daily practice
- No one said the exercises are too difficult to perform
Participants Comments:
"After the first week of using the FaceTrainer™, I noticed my skin was tightening up and the wrinkles up on my forehead have lessened..."
"Love it! Firm! My skin feels tone to the bone."
"Fresh, happy, looks great; face feels very firm...Even my mother-in-law says my face looks fresh..."
"I think my skin looks younger - I was told my skin looks younger."
"I see my face is tighter and smoother - and that really is my objective - to see that."
"I was complimented on how 'glowing' my skin appeared."
"My skin is feeling tighter, my face looks smoother and my eyes are more open."
Blood Circulation
Summary: During this study, RBX pictures were taken to determine if the FaceTrainer™ had any affect upon blood circulation. RBX images capture the flow of hemoglobin beneath the skin’s surface. The study pictures clearly showed improved circulation up to 2 hours after exercising with the FaceTrainer™.

Conclusion: Based on the FDA's efficacy criteria of improvement in at least 50% of the subjects, there is clear, clinical evidence that the FaceTrainer™ improves the appearance of sagging skin, fine lines and deep wrinkles.
The marked increase in circulation allows blood flow to reach end stage capillaries in the dermis. This better nourishes the skin and enables more efficient disposal of impurities. For FaceTrainers™, this means renewed freshness and a more youthful glow.
But what is important to us was how the participants felt. After all, they were the ones who used it and it is their evaluations that matter most. Everyone felt there was improvement. Everyone thought it was easy to perform. And almost everyone felt they looked younger, with improved skin tone and a fresh, new glow.
Study 2: Independent Evaluation of the efficacy of FaceTrainer™ by no!no!™
Participants used the FaceTrainer™ by no!no!™ 10 minutes a day for 30 days. Photographs were taken at the beginning and end of the study. These photographs were then graded by independent Expert Graders using the Fitzpatrick and Global Improvement scales to determine if any change occurred.
Summary: There was 35.7% to 71.4% improvement in lines around the eyes and mouth areas and overall facial improvement of 85.71%.
Conclusion: The FaceTrainer™ proved to improve wrinkles and overall facial appearance.

Study 3: Electromyography (EMG)
Based on the principals of resistance training, the FaceTrainer™ increases muscle activity, providing a more robust and effective workout. In order to prove this, we conducted a surface EMG study to determine exactly how much harder the muscles worked.
Summary: EMG measures the action potential of muscles, which is directly related to how hard a muscle is working. Sensors are placed on the skin directly above the muscles to detect the small electric signal which is emitted from active muscles. The subjects then performed specific movements with and without the FaceTrainer™. The results showed an increase in muscle activity of 55% to 93% when using the FaceTrainer™.
Conclusion: It is well known that the harder a muscle works, the stronger and healthier it becomes. With such dramatic increase in muscle activity, it is clear that the FaceTrainer™ provides robust and effective resistance training to the face and neck.