
Thermicon™ Technology

If you're like most people you don't spend a lot of time thinking about unwanted hair except maybe how to get rid of it. And why, after you do, it always comes back so fast. At Radiancy, we spend a lot of time thinking about hair. In fact that's pretty much all we do. What it's made of, how it grows and most importantly how to remove it. The more we know about it, the better we can get rid of it.

So let's start by understanding the hair growth cycle and why it's so important to effective and lasting hair removal.

It's a hairs life
Hair goes through a 3 distinct phases:

Phase 1: Anagen
This is the active phase. The root is connected to the follicle and hair growth occurs.

Phase 2: Catagen
In this transitional stage, the hair shaft begins to pull away from the root as hair growth begins to stop.

Phase 3: Telogen
This is regarded as the resting phase. The shaft and root are completely separated and no hair growth occurs.

To make matters more complicated, all three phases are occurring at the same time. This means that at any given moment, the hair on your leg will be in all three stages at the same time - some are in anagen and just growing away, others in catagen and telogen. And there is no way of knowing which is which. For long lasting hair removal to work, the hair must be treated in the anagen phase. And that's why the longer you use no!no!, the more hair you will treat in the anagen phase and the more effective it will be.

Now, we're ready to talk about...

The Thermicon™ Effect
In our search for a totally safe and painless method for removing unwanted hair we decided to turn the whole concept around and develop something new and completely different - Thermicon™ Technology. The development of a proprietary patented thermodynamic wire and built in safety mechanisms have enabled Radiancy to adapt this technology for a home-use product.

The Heat Advantage
Thermicon™ is a heat based technology, and uses no light. Lasers and IPL technologies rely on light and the heat generated by light to achieve their hair removal goals. The light used by these methods is drawn to the melanin in the hair follicle. Light, grey and white hair has no melanin and is very hard to treat as it may not be affected at all by the applied light. With darker skin types, the contrast between the melanin in the skin and the melanin in the hair follicle may not be enough to safely and effectively remove hair without burning or other side-effects, like changes in the skin color.